
2015年7月11日 21:22 下道 基行 */?>



堂島リバーフォーラム   大阪市福島区福島1-1-17 TEL06-6341-0115
会期=7月25日[土] ― 8月30日[日] 会期中無休

[前売券販売]4月15日 10:00~
チケットぴあ 電話予約:0570-02-9999(Pコード:766-731)
インターネット: http://pia.jp/t/(※PC・携帯電話共通)

交通案内=京阪電鉄中之島線「中之島駅」・阪神本線「福島駅」より徒歩約5分 / 市営地下鉄四つ橋線「肥後橋駅」JR東西線「新福島駅」より徒歩8分


“Little Water”

鴨長明が書いた「方丈記」(1212年)の出だしの一節「行く川のながれは絶えずして、しかも本の水にあらず」は、日本文学における”無常”の表現として大変良く知られている。一方、これと驚くほど似た表現が西洋にもある。ギリシャ哲学者のヘラクレイトスは、紀元前500年頃、「同じ川の流れの中には再び入ることはできない」と述べ、「万物は流転する」という有名な言葉を残した。また最近では、スペイン出身の社会学者マニュエル・カステルは、その著書「ネットワーク社会の出現」(The Rise of Network Society, 1996)の中で、急速に技術革新を続ける情報化時代の「流れの空間性」という問題を指摘している。グローバル化した流動性により、人と社会とかかわりにおいて固定された場所よりも時間の流れがますます重要となってくる。

アーティスティック・ディレクター  トム・トレバー

The opening sentence of Hōjōki, written in 1212 by Kamo no Chōmei, is celebrated in Japanese literature as an expression of mujō (the transience of things): “The current of the flowing river does not cease, and yet the water is not the same water as before.” In the Western tradition, a strikingly similar saying is ascribed to Heraclitus, circa 500 BC: “You cannot step into the same river twice”, along with the famous declaration: “Everything flows, nothing stands still.” More recently, Manuel Castells defined a new “space of flows” in his book, The Rise of the Network Society (1996), arising from the rapid technological developments of the Information Age. Essentially this emerging global condition of flux shifts the emphasis of social relations to people’s place in time rather than in space, defined by dynamic movement rather than by static location. As a result, Castells says: “Our societies are increasingly structured around the bipolar opposition of the Net and the Self.”

Take Me To The River is a project about change and exchange in the contemporary space of flows. Exploring the notion of ‘the current’ within contemporary art, and the confluence of multiple temporalities within globalised culture today, it employs the metaphor of the river to examine the experience of being immersed in a world marked by an unprecedented diversity and depth of difference, by the coexistence of incommensurable viewpoints, and by the absence of an all-encompassing narrative (including those of modernity or post-modernity) that will enlist the participation of all. Within this convergence of different worlds that makes up the historical present, many different ‘currents’ compete for ascendency, but with no clear vision of the future. At the same time, traditional notions of the self, as grounded in a communal sense of place, are being washed away, replaced by a ‘network culture’ of emergent meanings and practices. The question is, how will the singularity of the artist function and change in relation to these new conditions? What happens when the subjective self is set adrift in the ‘space of flows’ – when you ‘take me to the river’?

Artistic Director: Tom Trevor


アーティスティック・ディレクター:Tom Trevor (トム・トレバー)

Angus Fairhurst/Peter Fend /Simon Fujiwara/Melanie Gilligan/Ryoji Ikeda/ Melanie Jackson/Aki Sasamoto /Shimabuku/
Motoyuki Shitamichi/Michael Stevenson/Hito Steyerl/Superflex/Yuken Teruya/The Play/Vermeir & Heiremans
Artistic Director:Tom Trevor