
2013年4月22日 21:58 下道 基行 */?>

Mori Art Museum 10th Anniversary Exhibition
OUT OF DOUBT: Roppongi Crossing 2013
SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 (FRI)– JANUARY 13, 2014 (Sun) MORI ART MUSEUM (53f, roppongi hills mori tower)

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of its inauguration, Mori Art Museum is pleased to present “OUT OF DOUBT: Roppongi Crossing 2013” from Saturday, September 21, 2013 to Monday, January 13, 2014.
Staged by the Mori Art Museum triennially since 2004, “Roppongi Crossing” is a series designed to offer a comprehensive survey of the Japanese contemporary art scene. For the 4th edition, and the first time in the series, 2 young guest curators from overseas have been invited to join the Mori Art Museum curator in co-organizing an exhibition that examines Japanese contemporary art today from a global perspective.
The title of the exhibition, “OUT OF DOUBT,” raises questions concerning the kind of productive debate we can generate from doubts cast over accepted notions and existing systems at a time when social awareness is high in the aftermath of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. The exhibition will feature around 30 artists, focusing on those born from the 1970s through the 1980s, although in the interests of re-examining Japan historically, an attempt will also be made to cross generations and engage with artists who have been the driving forces behind Japanese post-war avant-garde art. And by not limiting the scope in a geographical sense to Japan, but rather actively broadening its horizons to include expatriate Japanese artists and artists of Japanese descent, the exhibition will also examine the cultural boundaries of Japan.
As well, in conjunction with the exhibition-related program “Discursive Platform,” we will cooperate with young groups and others, that are exploring new relationships between art and society in facilitating and making their “discussion” public via the “OUT OF DOUBT” exhibition.
10 years have passed since the inauguration of the Mori Art Museum. In a world that continues to change dramatically, we hope that this exhibition will not only throw into relief the current state of Japanese contemporary art but also provide the impetus for opening up new possibilities into the future.

Akasegawa Genpei
Akira Akira
Arai Takashi
Arakawa Ei+Minamikawa Shimon
Asakai Yoko
Chiba Masaya
Endo Ichiro
Simon Fujiwara
Iwata Sohei × Prominority
Izumi Taro
Kaneuji Teppei Kazama Sachiko Kobayashi Fumiko Koizumi Meiro Mitsuta Haruo
Mori Chihiro Nakahira Takuma Nakamura Hiroshi Nakamura Yuta Niwa Yoshinori Okumura Yuki
Ryui Koji
Sasamoto Aki Shitamichi Motoyuki Suga Kishio
Tajima Mika Takasaka Masato Yanagi Yukinori



「六本木クロッシング」は、森美術館が日本のアートシーンを総覧する定点観測的な展覧会として2004年に開始、3年に一度開催されてきたシリーズ展。第4弾となる今回は、シリーズ初の試みとして、海外から若手キュレーター、ルーベン・キーハン(Reuben Keehan)とガブリエル・リッター(Gabriel Ritter)の2名を迎え、森美術館チーフキュレーター片岡真実との共同企画で開催される。



参加アーティスト:赤瀬川原平、アキラ・アキラ、新井卓、荒川医+南川史門、朝海陽子、千葉正也、遠藤一郎、サイモン・フジワラ、岩田草平×プロマイノリティ、泉太郎、金氏徹平、風間サチコ、小林史子、小泉明郎、満田晴穂、森千裕、中平卓馬、中村宏、中村裕太、丹羽良徳、奥村雄樹、流井幸治、笹本晃、下道基行、菅 木志雄、田島美加、高坂正人、柳幸典